Online Blackjack Success Stories

We have all heard some of the weird and wonderful things that can happen at a blackjack table. Let me tell you, I have been slapping cards for long enough to see some pretty strange, funny and straight up crazy wins at the table. So here are my top three craziest wins at the blackjack tables. God protects drunks and idiots. Having played a fair amount of blackjack (I learned card counting when I was 21), I’ve noticed some interesting patterns in the way people play the game that seem to reflect larger life patterns. Background Story. Feel free to skip ahead to the “Interesting Observations” section if you just want to read the lessons.

Well I’ve finally cracked it, after much research and extensive testing of the martingale strategy both the mathematics involved and less scientifically at my favorite online casinos – I am proud to present my method of winning every time with martingale. To be honest the inspiration was not all mine, I am indebted to the many websites that advise how to win at roulette with numerous martingale roulette success stories. Most of them are so full of rubbish that they only appear within the paid advertisements, but it is there that I discovered the real way to make money at martingale.

Online Blackjack Success Stories
  • Blackjack Success, Long Term? Morrotho November 2007. It was the one time where I ended up getting really drunk and going with some friends, and long story short, I lost a big chunk, but I was still up. I ended up extending my record to 23-1, before my dog was really sick and I had to put up money for his surgery, tests, and stay (virtually.
  • The biggest offender, though, was 6:5 blackjack. This variation, which is regrettably common in Las Vegas casinos, cuts the payout on blackjacks from 3:2 to 6:5; that $150 win we celebrated in the.

So you’ll be keen to discover the truth, what is the real secret to making guaranteed loot with the martingale roulette strategy? Why as these websites suggest is the martingale system banned in so many of them?

You see in all my research with martingale tried at various online casinos, I had made a fundamental error that affected my results. The problem was I was using my own money, so whenever I hit some freakish (but alas not that rare) run of results in a roulette game, it almost always went wrong. A combination of house limits, lack of cash or just me bottling it would break my strategy. Placing a bet of several hundred dollars to win one back takes a lot of nerve especially if you’re already down a packet.

My New Martingale Strategy

No the secret is not to use your own money, adopt martingale, sing it’s praises, better still pretend it’s some deep dark secret that the roulette world is trying to suppress. Then you set up a web page, explaining the system in detail, perhaps with a story or two and maybe a video of you winning thousands (in the free play version of an online casino.)

You’ll explain how confidential this information is, how it offers the key to a nice little income if you follow the super secret, special betting tactics in Martingale. But also warn your readers, to be wary as the casinos will want to ban you, remember don’t make too much money too quickly to arouse suspicions.

Here’s a little clip from one of these websites, they are all fairly similar though, note the very strict rules and the importance of sticking to only a few casinos (the reason for that will become clearer later).

Then Martingale is explained carefully, and as always it looks a very plausible system. So throw in a few more exclamation marks and further warnings about the sensitivity of this information and it’s time for the last stage.

This stage is very important, find a bunch of casinos who’ll pay you huge commissions for every player you send them. The ones who pay the most are usually the ones with very suspect RNG software which allows them to offer huge sign on bonuses (because they know they’ll get it back very quickly).

These are where you send your readers, give them a little list of these casinos, usually scribble one or two out where the system doesn’t work anymore to make it look more plausible.


Your reader whizzes over with their top secret printout of the martingale system, signs up at all the casinos and proceeds to put their plan into action. At that point you get paid for sending them there.

The real beauty of this implementation of the Martingale strategy is that it is irrelevant what actually happens on the roulette wheel. Using this system you really can’t lose, because someone is else is playing the strategy your just getting paid for sending them to the casino.

Brilliant huh !

Seriously though there are loads of these websites out there, where you’ll see lots of martingale system success stories, the strategy in itself is not actually a bad system and many people do win with it. But nothing is guaranteed and don’t get conned into losing a fortune by these website who pretend you can’t lose !

The internet is absolutely crammed with dodgy online casinos, they all offer huge bonuses usually because they’re impossible to cash in. If you’re playing online stick with the reputable names – here’s our favorites, all are professional and trustworthy.

Bodog – one of the world’s largest gaming companies, operating largely across Canada and EU, known for their poker especially – click here for bonus details.

Online Blackjack Success Stories Games

Bovada – the oldest and most reputable gambling company which accepts US customers. This is largely due to various National and State laws. Bovada is a well respected US Sports site too. – one of the largest online casinos in the world. Imagine how much their domain name is worth ! Has just about every casino and slots game available. For roulette though head to the live games not the electronic ones.

Online Blackjack Success Stories Books

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